Tree Surveys & Inspections
Tree Surveys – Inspection – reports
ICS Tree Services Ltd carry out Tree Surveys, tree inspection, tree Reports and BS5837 reports (trees in relation to building works) . All land and tree owners have a duty of care to maintain their trees in a safe condition to help prevent injury to people, animals and property. Trees should be inspected on a regular basis by a trained Arborist to make sure all is well and safe.
Trees suffer many different kinds of infections and diseases that can effect the tree in many different ways and over many years. What might look completely healthy to an untrained eye can be a health hazard to a trained arborist.
We can inspect your trees and issue a report highlighting any defects found. We will advice of any works needed to mitigate any risk to property or people. We are happy to give such free advice on an informal basis. A formal inspection and written report is a legally binding official document for which there is a charge if required. Where a second opinion is deemed necessary, for example on a 200 year old tree where we want to be sure, it may be necessary to employee the use of specialist equipment to inspect the tree for internal decay.
To arrange for a site visit and tree report contact us
ICS Tree Services Ltd
Gilandi, Great North Road, Micklefield
West Yorkshire